CAS Space is a leader in commercial spaceflight, dedicated to providing top-tier launch services for the global community. We are a mixed-ownership aerospace corporation based in China, founded by an elite team of passionate engineers and scientists, and industry leaders with over 20-years experience previously in the national space program.

We offer you launch solutions at a highly competent price per payload mass with the Kinetica series of vehicles engineered specifically for the booming commercial space age through revolutionary approach to design philosophy.

We will tailor our launch services to your specific mission requirements through the capability supported by our intensive focus on R&D and extensive resources within the commercial sector, including but not limited to payload integration, logistics, launch scheduling, and TT&C (Telemetry, Tracking, and Control).

We envision a globally inclusive, accessible, and peaceful future for space exploration, together with you.
Kinetica – 1
Kinetica - 1 is a veteran solid-propellant launch vehicle with a 100% success rate. First launched in July 2022, the launcher has successfully sent 37 payloads in three separate missions, and many more are to come. Kinetica – 1 has entered a regular flight schedule for dedicated, ridesharing or piggyback missions internationally. Email us if you would like your payload to be onboard in our next flight!
Product parameters:
Height: 30 m
Lift-off mass: 135 t
Payload Capacity: 1.5 t (500 km/SSO)
2 t (LEO)
Core Stage Diameter: 2.65 m
Lift-off Thrust: 200 t
Kinetica – 2
Kinetica–2 is a medium-lift liquid-propellant launch vehicle under development. It provides a robust, reliable and low-cost solution to constellation building and cargo transportation using generalized, serialized and modularized design based on established technologies. Kinetica-2 will serve missions to SSO, LEO, and GTO as a force to be reckoned with in the era of commercial space 3.0.
Product parameters:
Height: 52 m
Take-off Mass: 625 t
Payload Capacity: 8 t (500 km/SSO)
12 t(LEO)
Core-Stage Diameter: 3.35 m(CBC)
Fairing Diameter: 4.2 m
Lift-off Thrust: 766 t
Reusability :> 20 times
Kinetica – 2H
Kinetica-2H is a reusable, two-stage-to-orbit launcher based on Kinetica-2 enhanced with four boosters to achieve a payload capacity above 20 tonnes. It is an even more capable workhorse for massive constellations.
Product parameters:
Height: 56 m
Lift-off Mass: 913 t
Payload Capacity: 15 t (500 km/SSO)
22 t (LEO)
Core-Stage Diameter: 3.35 m (CBC)
Fairing Diameter: 4.2 m/5 m
Reusability :> 20 times
Space Tourism Vehicle
The Space Tourism Vehicle will be built with a single-stage sub-orbital orbit and an observation pod. The observation pod seats 7 travelers and offers panoramic views. In the 10-minute journey, the travelers will breakthrough the Kármán line at 100 km high, and experience zero-gravity for as long as three minutes. The pod will be landed safely through parachute at the conclusion of the journey.
CAS Space’s space tourism project will achieve a launch interval of 100 hours. A theme park will be built with ten vehicles in rotating service. The theme park, as the name suggests, is more than a launch and recovery ground for the vehicle. It is designed with a space experience center, a theme park, and an educational center where the travelers will be trained for their space journey.
Product parameters:
Height: 21 m
Lift-off Mass: 79 t
Apogee above sea-level: 100-120 km
Time in space (> 100 km above sea-level) 300-550 s
Payload Capacity: 1,000 kg
Flight Duration: 300 – 550 s
Reusability: >30 times
At CAS Space, our space pros are not only scientists and engineers but also dreamers on an undaunted journey
upwards in pursuing a booming space age shared by all human beings.
The successful inaugural flight of Kinetica 1 is merely the beginning. Our industrial park for commercial space communities opened on Jan 9, 2023, and will serve to mass-manufacture and test our future launchers
Fly above
the Kármán
CAS Space is forming industry partnerships to provide suborbital tourism as early as 2024. We expect to provide 1,000 seats for fellow spacefarers, each year.
Propelled by
passion and
Our R&D program aims to build top-tier solutions for payload deliveries, constellation constructions and cargo transportations powered by the propulsions systems such as “Xuan Yuan”.
Contact Us:
(+86) 010-67857966